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28 March 2024 Offscreen rendering in Vulkan

In the last post we looked at integrating a simple UI with Dear Imgui using my vulkan renderer. Now we shall look at offscreen rendering. This can be used for various purposes such as post-processing effects, rendering to textures for later use, shadow mapping, reflections etc. In this example we shall look at offscreen rendering for reflections. After having a decent understanding of the Vulkan specification and having gone through the renderer sample code provided, you can follow along or use this as a general guide on how you can implement this in your own projects. The intention of this is not to serve as a tutorial for beginners but as a guide for someone with a good enough understanding of the Vulkan specification and some modern C++ knowledge.

05 February 2024 Simple UI with Dear Imgui

I needed a quick and easy solution to implement a UI for The Nile C++ Engine and came across Dear Imgui . The following steps outline how I integrated Dear Imgui into The Nile Engine. If you’re not very familiar with Vulkan and graphics APIs and want to follow along with this tutorial, there are several vulkan specification docs and resources online, such as this one that can provide a better understanding of the graphics API that I used. Feel free to clone my vulkan renderer, which I will be using here and in future tutorials. You may also modify the renderer to suit your own personal requirements.
